Monday 23 June 2014

Pre- production techniques

Hey fellow internet users.

Pre-production techniques

Film and TV production are very similar as they both cover the different sectors of finance, time, personnel, facilities, materials, contributors, location and code of practice and regulations. Within financial you will need to make sure that you have a producer so that you know that the product that you are selling is funded. The job roles within film and television are director, editor, cinematography, writer, floor manager, set designer, researcher, costume designer, location manager and actors/ actresses. The location manger will have to read the script of the production to see what location fits the description. The will have to run risk assessments to make sure that the actors are not in danger, for example if they were filming in the woods they will have to make sure that there is nothing in the way on the floor so that people will not trip over. Genre with both film and television researcher will have to go out to see what the audience will find most entertaining so that they will have many viewings. This is why you see many programmes and films that look very similar as that is what the audience is most interested in at the time. Contributes are very important when filming as both film and TV will need extras when creating a production, the contributors will save funding as they might be only paying the extras minimum amount of money for the hours that they will be working or sometimes they will not pay the extras what so ever if the contributor was found walking down the street whilst they were filming. Time management is very important when filming a production as if the company that you are using are paying for only so many months for the set that you are filming on then you need to make sure that everyone is in the right place at the right time so that your time and money is not wasted.

Non-broadcast video is also very similar to film and TV as when creating a non-broadcasting video you will need a director, editor, location manager, cinematography, contributors, actors/ actresses, writer, producer, researcher and set designer. The finance within non-broadcasting video you will get your sponsors from Youtube by the subscribers that you will have. Once you have a certain amount of subscribers Youtube would start giving you money for the videos that you will put onto their website. Time management within in this type of media production is used so that you can hit your deadlines as if you are a non-broadcaster you might not own all of your own equipment and might have to hire cameras and lighting or the editing software, as you will not have enough money. Location is still very important when creating a non-broadcasting video as might need to hire a stage for a certain amount of time or even find a set that fits what your video is about.

There are many things that make up radio and audio such as music, sound beds, recording studios, audience, DJ's, artists, market research, finance, time management, news, genre, copyright, adverts and presenter. The location within radio and audio is very important as you will need a quiet room so that there is no interference's in the sounds, for example if a presenter was interviewing someone you will need a quiet recording studio as if you was interviewing someone on the street it would be really hard to hear someones response which will create confusion for the radios listeners. Time management is also very important when creating a radio, audio production as you will need to hit deadlines for example the sound booth that you are using might be hired and there might be another customer right after your set time. Market research within radio, audio is used to see what the audience is interested in at the moment for example the genre of music that is in the top charts, or even the kind of DJ that everyone is listening to at the moment so that they could make their radio DJ just as good even better. You will need a set target audience when producing a radio, audio for example BBC one's audience is aged 15-29, you would also have to also research the different stereotypes for this age range to find out what type of advert would be put in between each showing also to see whether to using hard or soft news.

Within the print industry there are many tight deadlines involved as there are a large amount of contributors when creating for example a magazine such as OK, the job roles within this are journalist,  writer, developer, editor, reporter, senior and junior advertiser, producer, researcher and publishing admin. time and finance take's a big part in print as for example the researcher isn't able to gather all of the facts and statistics on time this will create the writer and the developer not being able to take the next step in motion causes them to move the deadline to a later date having the magazine being deadlined much late causes them a loss of money. The location which will take part in the print industry would be an office if you are working for a company. There are many freelancers all around the UK which will work at home and send there stories to magazine or newspaper companies for a chosen price. The codes of practice which will take place would be professionalism, as a journalist would have to be very professional when interviewing people wether they are experts, witnesses or having a relent. This mean that the journalist will have to use skills such as objectivity and subjectivity depending on the audience that the story is aiming towards. Also they will have to fill out release forms for copy right if they are using another organisations work for example if they have used a photograph that they have used from the internet, they will have to write where they have gathered their sources from. 

When using interactive media it is used to gather information about a chosen subject, for example this could be about a celebrity. Within the interactive media there are many social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter, these websites are used to interact with friends and family, it could also be used for sharing video's and photographs that you have taken or that you have found from the internet. The codes of practice within interactive media could be copy right , for example if you have taken a picture from Google Images and placed that picture of Facebook for all your friends to see, this could causes some legal disagreements, and could also be taken off some social networking sites if they are too graphic. 

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