Wednesday 19 March 2014

Evaluation Movie poster

Hello fellow internet users.

When creating the movie poster I first researched in the different methods and designs of movie poster in the past. I analysed three different movie posters such as She's the man, The conjuring and Mr & Mrs Smith. Within my research I looked at the different kind of categories for example the one that my main focus was on was Horror, which had brought me to my final project idea of creating a Stalker horror movie poster. I chosen this as my finished product idea because of the different ways I was able portray a stalker horror story, for example I portrayed the horror movie poster as if the victim is running away from someone in a certain location such as an abandoned shed, this caused the audience to feel worried and scared for the victim wanted to know whether the victim surveys or not . There are many different types of categories in making a movie poster, when researching I analysed three different formats which were comedy, thriller and action this gave me a wide idea on what format I should use when creating my movie poster. 

My finished product is a stalker horror movie poster. I have named my poster You can't run but you kan hide. In the proposal I explained my ideas for the poster and the reason of the working title. In the proposal I shown a sketch of the movie poster that I was going to make on Photo shop. In my sketch it shows a shed being the main focus of my poster as in my final piece I have used a picture of the character Kate running as my main focus that I had taken in front of the green screen. I also used a picture that I selected from Google images of an abandoned shed as the background of my poster, I used this as my background on the movie poster because it causes the audience to have a spooky feeling towards the film causing the audience to be curious of the chosen location wanting to know whether the main charter that is shown is running away from the shed or towards the victim.

The thing's that I felt went well whilst creating the movie poster would be the way how the title of the movie post is placed. The movie title face is shaped into a unique way as if the letters have been stuck onto a ripped piece of paper and has been used before as the paper is yellow, this gives the paper an old looking effect. The letters of in the title are all different sizes and shapes as some of the letters are very point and sharp looking this gives the audience the impression that there will be lot's of knifes and shape objects being used within the movie. I've gave the title a crazy looking effect as the main character is a psycho and insane.

The thing's that I felt went bad when creating the movie poster would be the main focus point as the character in the movie poster looks as if the are insane and as if she is running towards the audience, this could give the audience the impression that this character is the villain in the movie. As this character was suppose to give the impression that she was in pain and is running away from that villain who is inside the abandoned shed. 

The difference's and the similarities that my movie poster has from a similar category is The conjuring movie poster are that in the movie poster The conjuring their main focus in their movie poster is a pot doll in an old woman's arms, this is similar to my movie poster as I have used my main character running towards the audience, this give the audience terrified feeling. The scenery in this movie poster bold and dark as in my movie poster I have used a slightly bright picture of an abandoned shed, this give of a pro acing feeling than in The conjuring poster.

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