Wednesday 20 November 2013

DVD Sleeves analysis

Hey fellow internet users.

In my blog I am going to be analysing the different formats for DVD sleeves.

Every dvd sleeve has a purpose, audience , reception and a content. The purpose of the Harry Potter DVD sleeve would be for their target audience to be able to watch the film over and over again. For example if someone has read the books and have seen the film in the cinema they would be a big fan of the films so they might want to by the box set. This type of DVD sleeve is to be used for people who would like to know about about the film before buying their item, it is used as a marketing tool. The audience varies as this film hits every age group for both boys and girls. The age certificate for this DVD sleeve is a 12, it could also be a PG. The reception for this DVD sleeve is supermarkets, rental sores for example Blockbusters. You can can also see this DVD sleeve in holograms, flashes and toys. The contents for the Harry Potter DVD sleeve are movie poster, tag lines, film title, credits, film company, age certificate, blurb, scene pictures, narrative back drop, film captions and a description. 

This is the end DVD sleeve has a purpose, audience, reception and content. The purpose for this DVD sleeve is to package the dvd itself so That it if protected when it is in stores being used as a marketing tool. The target audience for this type of film would be for the ages from 15-35. This film reaches out to people who love comedy and a fantasy world, as it is about the world com,ing to it's end and demands coming above. The reception for this movie poster would be supermarket stores, rental stores and flashes. The content of this movie poster is on two of the faces of this sleeve you see a picture of all the main actors in this film. This movie sleeve also shows the main title 'This is the end' on all three of the faces. It shows the blurb of the film on the back of the sleeve, it also has a small description above the title of the film on the back cover. On the spine of the movie poster it has the logo of the film company and a small print of the DVD logo. At the top of the front cover of the movie sleeve it tells you who is acting in this film.

The film Angus thongs and perfect snogging's DVD sleeve has the purpose of defining the movie as a marketing tool so that their audience and people that have not been able to watch the film in the cinemas to be able to watch over and over again. The audience for this type of movie sleeve would be girls from the ages of 12-25. This film is a stereotypical girl film and the teenage troubles that girls go throw to fit and with look so that boys like them. The reception of this DVD sleeve would be in rental stores like Blockbuster. Also you would be able to film this DVD sleeve in supermarkets or in film magazines. The content of the DVD sleeve is the main picture on the front cover of the sleeve, it shows the main character in the middle of the picture with smaller pictures of her three best friends and the boy she likes on the opposite end with her cat Angus beside her. This movie sleeve as a tag line on the front page with the age certificate on the bottom left corner. In big writing it has the title of the film at the top of the from cover with a kissing print next to it. On the spine of the sleeve it shows the logo of the film company with a small picture underneath of the two main characters. In the centre of the spine it shows you the name of the film and the age certificate of 12 at the bottom. The back cover of the DVD sleeve has a bar code, age certificate, technical information, film company logo and the blurb. It also shows a picture of the main character holding a thong underneath the description of the film with scene shot on the right. In the centre of the page it shows you the special features of the film. 

The difference between DVD sleeves and movie posters are that DVD sleeves have three faces has a movie poster will only have one. On a movie poster it only shows the audience the main feature of the film such as the main picture which would be a link to the film or a picture of the main character of the film. It will also only show the title, blurb, age certificate, film company and tagline, in some movie posters it also shows the names of the main characters.It is also used as a marketing tool so that someone will go and watch the film in the cinemas. In a DVD sleeve it gives the audience more information about the film that you are about to watch. It shows you all of the same thing that a movie poster shows you but also shows you technical information about the film such as how long the film is. It also has a bar code of most DVD sleeves as you will usually find them in superstores and will have to buy it, where as a movie poster you would see them in cinemas for on build boards. 

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