Wednesday 20 November 2013

Movie poster

Hey fellow internet users.

For my final piece I created a stalker horror movie poster called 'You can't run but you kan hide'. The first thing that I did when creating my movie poster was use illustrator to design the outline for my font for the title and the tag line for my poster. The type face that I started off with was 'Times new roman' when making my outline, then once  I had my format I then went onto 'Type' then chose 'Create outlines' When doing this I am about to stretch the surface of the font and curve it into the way that I think suites the name of my poster by clicking onto the blue points and pulling each one bit by bit. 

Then once I had my font ready to put on to my movie poster I then used photoshop to build everything together. The first step that I made was find a background for my movie poster. For my background I went onto Google images and looked up old farm shed. Once I found the right shed for my movie poster I then scaled it to the size of my canvas. 

The second thing that I did when creating my movie poster was taking and choose the right picture of my main character (Kate).  I unlocked the picture so that I was about to edit it, I did this by using the magic wand tool. Then I selected the parts of the picture that I did not want and deleted it bit my bit. Then once I had removed the background of my character I then scaled her to size of my movie poster so that she did not look too big or too small. I also had to place my character so that she looked as if she was running away from the shed.

What I had my background and my main character in place I then went onto the learning box of my college for my blurb. Once I uploaded my blurb to photoshop I then edited the writing to the characters that are playing in my film and edited the names of the director, editor and the film company. Once I finished editing the writing I had to chose the colour of my text so that it didn't become invisible on my background, i also needed to scale it to size so that It didn't look to big. 

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